Friday, December 16, 2011

MOVIES: Three movies you NEED to see this week!

But not for the movies themselves. In the next week alone there are three movies coming out, 2 which came out today, that have trailers before them that will be worth the price of admission. So here they are.

1. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (In select IMAX theaters)
Why?: This one is number one on my list because not only will you get to see Mission Impossible which currently sits at a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes, but because you'll get to see a six freaking minute long prologue to The Dark Knight Rises. From what I've heard so far the prologue is pretty sweet but apparently it's almost impossible to understand what Bane is saying with the combination of his heavy accent and Darth Vader mask. At least it's still Batman stuff. But here's the catch, the prologue is only showing in IMAX theaters and not even in all IMAX theaters. Click HERE to see a list of all the theaters where you can catch the prologue!

2. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Why? This one is a little less important and maybe not quite as worth it as the first one. Sherlock doesn't interest me too much and the movie is getting decent reviews so far, but apparently there's a trailer for The Dark Knight Rises beforehand. I haven't heard any news about the trailer since everyone is talking about the prologue before MI. It still might be worth checking out if you want to see it on the big screen, but expect it on Youtube very soon anyways.

3. The Adventures of Tintin
Why? Well firstly because for some reason this movie has managed to peak my interest over the past couple of weeks. The action looks fun and early reviews peg it as a lighthearted, Indiana Jones type adventure. The story of Tintin is apparently insanely popular over in Europe and it's somewhat of a passion project for Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson. But the real reason to see it? Our first trailer for The Hobbit will be showing before Tintin!!! YES! After years of development, directors jumping in and dropping out, countless do-overs on the script and a billion other problems, The Hobbit is finally happening! As excited as I am for The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers and much more that comes out next year, nothing has me tingling with exitement quite like The Hobbit. It's one of my favorite books of all time and I just can't wait to get lost in Middle Earth once more. Now it's likely that this trailer won't show much of anything but just to see a Hobbit walking around on the big screen again will make me scream like a little girl who just touched Tyler Latner. So yes, I am going to see Tintin and I suggest you do the same!

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