Tuesday, September 27, 2011

VIDEO GAMES/MOVIES: Did one video game trailer really cause this much influence?

If any of you saw the first Dead Island trailer you know what I'm talking about. It was incredibly well done and I think it is the closest that a trailer for a video game will ever get me to crying. That being said, the final product was very unlike the emotional trailer providing players with a zombie infested island where they could roam around and do some serious brainsplitting damage. That's not to say the game is bad, it's just not what the first trailer made it seem to be. But the point is that the original trailer was so mind blowing that Lionsgate has actually purchased the rights to make a Dead Island movie. No director is attached yet but they are saying that the movie will focus on being "an innovation of the zombie genre because of its focus on human emotion, family ties and non-linear storytelling." That sounds exactly like the trailer and nothing like the game. Will it be good? Who freaking knows, but it does look like it's going to get made.

Full story on G4 HERE!

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